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2007 Ford Edge FWD 4dr SE in Bloomington, Indiana For Sale

Price: $10,997
Type: Cars, For Sale - Private.

This xxxxFord Edge SE is a 1-Owner Vehicle and is very clean, looks great, runs and drives like new, its extremely nice. Lots of options here, such as power windows, locks, seats, cloth seats alloy wheels, its one nice ride and there's lots of life left in it.,This Ford Edge SE is beautiful and they're made to last, many have ran over 300,000 miles.This should be a must see for you. We Include a Zero deductible warranty is provided at no cost to you with this car, good anywhere you live, take it where you want to for service. This one has very nice paint and exceptional Interior, fully serviced and inspected. Its a great sport utility, come see it today. We accept cash, cashiers checks, all major credit cards or simply finance this with us. We offer many banks, credit unions, finance company's and in house loans as well. Credit is no problem here, we do it all, from great credit, no credit, slow credit, bankruptcy, tax liens, collections, low income, social security or disability income, divorce we can do it all, and quickly for you. Call us today or apply online, see our website in any of these pictures, this is one great looking car, hurry before it slips away today. ."ATTENTION" We now can finance any customer in any town and in any state, GOOD OR BAD us now!
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State: Indiana  City: Bloomington  Category: Cars
Cars in Indiana for sale

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